Monday 1 December 2014

First blog. How exciting!

Whoop whoop! First day of advent and my very first blog! How exciting!

So what will YorkshireRunnerGirl's first blog be about? Running? Er, yeah (blogger's name's a giveaway!) Friends? Course! Be rude not to! Christmas?  Yup, it's allowed now we're in December!

Running highlights:

Running my local parkrun with my friend's 8-year-old son, P, and helping him to shave 45 secs off his PB! He had a look of determination on his face throughout the entire 5k route. Well done P on your well-deserved PB!

Getting in a long run! I'm training for my first half marathon next spring and try to get one long run in once a week. This can be harder than it sounds, especially if I have a busy weekend racing. Felt an achievement to run 8.5 miles after feeling unwell for a few days this week. It was hard going though. The alcohol consumed the night before may not have helped ;)

Getting jealous of my friends' photos on the social networking site showing their first XC of the season in a different league to the one my club participates in. Our first XC is next week :'( They'd had lots of muddy fun so I decided to join one of their clubs as second claim! Bring on a
double dose of mud :D

Social highlights:

Meeting up with the girls,  S, V and D, and the very brave male, D, who survived a night with the girls! We had lots of fun, consumed some alcoholic beverages and had a jolly good catch up :) No choccy tashes this time because we all stayed awake! Thanks S and D for hosting :)

Feeling Christmassy:

Or maybe not ;) The first day of advent hasn't filled me with loads of Christmas cheer. Give it a couple of weeks and I may start to feel Christmassy. Maybe :)

Ok, that's my first blog and it wasn't just about running! I may graduate to adding photos next time :)

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